Digitech Vocalist Live 2 Vocal Harmonizers In Stock at Ballew's Music!

Digitech Vocalist Live 2 Vocal Harmonizer
The VL2 has an integrated mixer as well- just plug your vocal mic and guitar into the inputs and your vocal PA and guitar amp to the outputs. Simple. Easy stomp box configuration activates or deactivates the harmony processor. Same goes for the built in digital effects. An unbelievable amount of bang for your buck. A surprising number of songs “fool” other harmonizers because these songs just don’t work with a single key/scale setting. In fact, any song that has the same note sung over two different chords (for example, a C sung in the melody over a C maj / F maj chord sequence) is going to confound conventional harmonizers.
Vocalist Live uses breakthrough musIQ™ technology to directly analyze the output of any electric or pre-amplified acoustic guitar (no special MIDI guitars or hex-outputs needed). Then it generates the correct vocal harmony. For example, if you’re singing an A over the chords that are generally found in the key of G, Vocalist will harmonize with a C. But, if you then play an A major, Vocalist will shift to the C#...because like any good harmony singer, it listens to the guitar!
With musIQ, forget about the technology – just sing and play! Skip complicated programming and having to analyze each song chord-by-chord; just…
Plug in your microphone and guitar;
Pick a 3rd or 5th-above or below harmony preset;
Sing and play — when you want harmony, just step on the footswitch!
Labels: digitech vocalist live 2, vocal harmonizer, voice effects
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